In 2013, following facilitation by Theatre Nemo, an innovative artwork display designed exclusively by patients was unveiled at Parkhead Hospital in Glasgow.
NHS Greater Glasgow, Clyde’s Occupational Therapy staff alongside staff from Theatre Nemo, worked with 12 patients from Parkhead Hospital over ten weeks to produce an amazing eight-piece canvas display.
The artwork was displayed in the hospital’s main stairway and depicted landscapes and skylines. The patients decided that they wanted their artwork displayed in the main stairway to improve the space by communicating hopefulness.
The project was funded by NHS Endowment monies and aimed to encourage patients to take part in creative activities using the art project as a therapeutic activity. Click to continue reading.
Patients and their families, hospital staff and members of Theatre Nemo attended the official unveiling of the artwork on February 6, which was named A View Over the Common.